Personal injury law encompasses many different things. From medical malpractice to car accidents, personal injury law can be difficult to understand because of how many kinds of cases it can include. The common string that ties personal injury cases together is that they each involve an accident caused by the negligence or fault of another individual. Whether or not the responsible party had intended on causing harm does not matter. If you believe you have a personal injury case, the […]
With Child Passenger Safety Week quickly approaching, we’re taking some extra precautions to alert parents, babysitters, grandparents, and any other individual who may be driving with children in the care about the correct way a child should ride. Between September 18th and September 24th, Child Passenger Safety Week will be working to boost awareness of the number of child deaths or injuries in automobile accidents. The Reality of Automobile Accidents Automobile accidents can be dangerous for anyone, but for children […]
If you’ve recently been injured at the fault of someone else, don’t let the thought of filing a personal injury case deter you from seeking justice. With the compensation you receive from a personal injury case, you may be able to cover the lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering damages sustained from your injury. Unfortunately, personal injury law is still widely misunderstood. The experienced attorneys of Held & Hines LLP address a few of the most common misconceptions […]
If you’re entering into a personal injury lawsuit in New York City, you’re probably going to seek compensation for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. But as you work to figure out how much money you should seek on each of these claims, you’ll want to account for whether or not it will be taxed. So, how do you know if your settlement is subject to taxation? When your New York City personal injury settlement isn’t […]
Summertime Spike in Driver Negligence Distracted Driving Accidents School’s out, graduation has commenced, and workers have requested their vacation days — it is officially Summer 2016. Young drivers and families are hitting the road along with everyone else, and with the sense of summer freedom comes with more cars in neighborhoods and highways, naturally upping the risk of collisions. The warmer weather brings out a more carefree attitude, unfortunately this also brings with it distracted drivers. Did you know that […]
When a person’s out-of-control pet causes an injury, it can be difficult to determine whether the victim has a legal claim against the pet’s owner. Whether the owner can be held liable for the animal’s behavior will depend on whether “strict liability” and “contributory negligence” apply. Whether you can hold the owner liable for the animal’s behavior will depend on the “strict liability” and “contributory negligence” were in place. What is Strict Liability? Strict liability says that the owner is […]