USA Today: Held & Hines’ Inmate Abuse Case Featured
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Justice.Gov: Held & Hines’ Client’s “protections of the U.S. Constitution do not stop at the prison wall.” Click on the article to read more.–459395623.html
Associated Press: Held & Hines’ Case of Correction Officers’ Assault of Inmate Covered by AP Click on the article to read more!
Poughkeepsie Journal: Held & Hines’ Case Leads to Conviction of Correction Officers in Beating of Inmate Click on the article to read more!
Reuters: Held & Hines’ Case Re: Client inmate Beaten by Correction Officers Leads to Conviction of Officers Click on the article to read more.
Reuters: Held & Hines’ Class-Action Lawsuit vs. Juno/Gett is Covered by the Press Lawsuit says Juno lured Uber and Lyft drivers with false promises Daniel Wiessner Ride-hailing service Juno Inc has been hit with a proposed class action claiming it lured drivers in New York City away from its bigger rivals Uber and Lyft by promising them lucrative stock units, but reneged after the company was sold for $200 million. Four drivers said the stock program was crucial to Juno’s […]
NY Daily News: Phil Hines, Partner at Held & Hines, LLP, is quoted in the News Bronx detective sued over a dozen times for allegedly intimidating teens and their moms during false arrests BY ESHA RAYCATHERINA GIOINOJAMES FANELLI NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 22, 2017, 5:00 AM He’s accused of terrorizing teens — and their mothers.A Bronx detective, stripped of his badge and gun, has been sued more than a dozen times over the past decade.In one lawsuit, a […]